Massive Tutorials
Using Velocity Sensitive Envelopes in Massive
In this tutorial, Echo Sound Works shows you how to make any sound have more depth in the mix by activating the velocity sensitive envelopes in Massive.
Sometimes the most subtle tweaks in sound design can have powerful outcomes. Using the velocity sensitive envelopes in Massive to add more depth, clarity and focus to your sounds is one of those small, but awesome tweaks.
It’s really simple. Any of the 4 envelopes in Massive have a slider called VEL. This stands for velocity. If you turn up the VEL slider all the way on ENV4, your sound will now be velocity sensitive because that envelope is attached to the output by default.
However, if you want to spice things up with velocity sensitive envelopes in Massive here are some tips and tricks.
1.) Use one to modulate your Cut Off frequency.
2.) Modulate your Noise Oscillator amp with one for a very controlled sound.
3.) Use a velocity sensitive envelope in Massive to control the amp of an Oscillator. This can make it so that this oscillator is only audible at varying dynamics.
Check out the video to hear the velocity sensitive envelopes in Massive in action!
Echo Sound Works