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Introducing Moody Dark Lo-fi: Step into a cozy, warm embrace of nostalgia with our sample pack....

Epic Stock Media

Moody Dark Lo-fi

Epic Stock Media

Fantasy Game Music Loops And Soundtracks

Epic Stock Media

Fire Melodic Techno

Epic Stock Media

AAA Game Character British Female Detective

Epic Stock Media

Devils Bane Trailer

Epic Stock Media

Dreaded Drums

Epic Stock Media

Diablo Drums

Epic Stock Media

Sci-fi Shooter Game - Sound Design Starter Kit

Epic Stock Media

Nexus Drum Kicks And Snares

Epic Stock Media

Black Magic Drums

Epic Stock Media

Antagonist Robot Voice Lines

Epic Stock Media

Fire Dancefloor Drum & Bass

Epic Stock Media

Pirate Game

Epic Stock Media

Humanoid Creatures 3

Epic Stock Media

VIP Modern Drums

Epic Stock Media

Le Samouraï

Epic Stock Media

BRAAAM Strike 2

Epic Stock Media

Creepy Game SFX

Epic Stock Media

Dark Game Spell Incantation Voices

Epic Stock Media

Infiltration Thriller

Epic Stock Media

AAA Game Character Dark Strider

Epic Stock Media

Anime Character Vocalizations

Epic Stock Media

Classic Pop House

Epic Stock Media

Hyper Casual Game UI

Epic Stock Media

AAA Game Character Hellspawn

Epic Stock Media

Epic Stock Media has a vision to help creatives endeavor successfully in the world of audio! We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to acquire high quality, affordable, hybrid sound libraries! Epic Stock Media is a small team of caffeinated professionals that specialize in contract music composition and top of the line sound design for gaming and multimedia industries. Using modern specialized technology and proprietary audio trade techniques, We aim to provide our clients with innovative, themed and targeted platform audio designs that are cohesive and Epic

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1Every purchase you make on ADSR* now earns you 1 loyalty credit for every $5 spent
2Once you make a purchase your credits are added to your account
3Credits can be redeemed in ADSR Sample Manager to download individual loops and samples
4To redeem simply download ADSR Sample Manager and/or log into Sample Manager with your ADSR login details
5Credits will have been automatically added to your account
6Loyalty credits expire 30 days after initial purchase
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