First Look
Audified - Intro to STA Effects + Enhancer & Preamp
Analog Emulations are becoming quite popular in the pro audio world as processor power grows ever stronger, allowing developers to accurately mimic and shape DSP signals using the characteristics of real world analog hardware as a model.
Audified has released the second version of their STA (Summing Tube Amplifier) series and done a great job balancing accurate tube emulation with creative tools for shaping tone and timbre in the DAW.
In this two part First Look series, ADSR’s Stephen Ellestad discusses the STA 2 series and demonstrates the various tools and methods of tone shaping with the STA 2 Plugins.
Part 1 of this First Look showcases the Tube Emulation aspects of the STA Effects collection. Stephen Ellestad explores the STA 2 interface, the basics of tube emulation while demonstrating adding saturation and tube character to a full mix with the STA Enhancer tool. After that, he discusses the heart of the STA concept – the STA 2 Preamp – while shaping the tone of an individual percussion part in the mix.
From Audified’s website :
STA (Summing Tube Amplifier) uses two signal paths, one is processed by modulation or spectral change and the other is not processed. These two signals are mixed on a vacuum tube. That gives “ordinary” effects like Flanger or Phaser, really unique and warm character. The valve saturation colour depends on the Mode selection. Changing the type of the tube circuit, affects the tube working point and frequency response.
5 valve circuit modes available :
• P – Presence – the higher amount of mid-high frequencies allows better cutting through the mix.
• V – Vintage – has smoother highs and more even harmonics.
• B – Brown – has almost flat response with only light high frequencies roll off and nice higher harmonics punch.
• W – White – has higher amount of higher frequencies and the ratio between the even and odd harmonics is balanced.
• L – LoFi – contains less low and high frequencies.