Reaktor Tutorials
Introduction to Native Instruments The Finger by Tim Exile
This is a rather deceptively awesome piece of software that runs inside of Reaktor as an ensemble that is actually based off of Tim Exiles live performance set up. It can be used just as easily and effectively in the studio, though. What exactly does it do? Well, quite a bit really. It provides tools for intuitive sound mangling, live remixing, and advanced tempo-synced effects processing on-the-fly and can be completely controlled with a MIDI keyboard. Boasting more than 40 different professional effects ranging from real-time samplers/transformers (e.g. loop, re-arrange, reverse, scratch, heavy granular effects etc.), as well as filters, gaters, delays, reverbs, distortion, wave shapers, ring modulation and many others. So basically, Native Instruments The Finger is something that allows you to play your effects as you would an instrument. Yeah, we know. Wow!
This video does a pretty good job of showing off several features that can have you mixing and mangling like a mad scientist in a matter of seconds. Something that Time Exile would be quite proud of if he were standing next to you. First, how the mapping of effects to the keyboard from Native Instruments The Finger is explained. You can trigger several effects at once with one key strike, which is priceless during a live performance. And if you use a MIDI controller that transmits velocity data, then you have even more control over how The Finger behaves. Changing how velocity impacts the amount of modulation or wet/dry mix of a given effect is as easy as turning a knob.
There is a clever envelope system in place to control how modulation affects sounds, giving you the ability to alter timing, overall delivery and development of the parameters that it is assigned to. Native Instruments The Finger also gives you the option of using what they call Twisters, rather than a MIDI controller, to affect your sounds. (To use this feature, your project needs to be playing in your DAW.) You can use The Finger to manipulate vocals, too. And this can lead to some very interesting results. It takes a few minutes to get used to how it all works, and probably a lifetime to master. So whether you are looking to change up your sounds in a subtle way or mangle them completely, this ensemble for Reaktor is one that you will definitely want to try out.
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