Demo Of The Teenage Engineering OP-Z
In this video from Youtuber Cuckoo, we get a thorough demo and tutorial of the new OP-Z 16-track synthesizer and sequencer from teenage engineering.
The OP-Z is finally here! How does it work? After hanging out with me in this video you will get the workflow into your backbone. There’s SOOOO MUCH you can do with this tiny device, so I don’t want to stress it. If you’re really interested in learning how to manoeuvre this machine, let’s take our time. So make yourself a cup of tea, and let’s get going.
Video Index
- 04:15 Tutorial starts
- 04:31 OPZ vs pencil
- 04:56 OP-Z presentation of structure on iPad
- 09:32 User interface zones
- 11:54 Creating your first track using the timeline
- 12:43 Erase track / Erase pattern
- 13:47 Editing trigs
- 14:20 Creating trigs “endless style”
- 14:58 Parameter page 1: Synth + Filter
- 17:20 Shift button changes parameter page
- 18:38 Parameter page 2: ADSR Envelope
- 19:14 + – Octave shift
- 19:30 Parameter page 3: LFO
- 22:04 Parameter page 4: Mixing
- 23:56 Making a good bass sound
- 24:33 Metronome
- 25:20 Live recording a sequence
- 25:48 Nudging micro timing
- 26:52 Gradually quantising a track
- 28:12 Swing/Shuffle
- 28:50 Recording Chords
- 29:29 Track Length + playback speed
- 30:28 Live record up to 4 notes per trig
- 31:48 Quantising adapts to the track playback speed
- 32:50 Selecting the sound “plug”
- 34:35 Making a kick track
- 35:05 A subtle introduction to Step Components
- 39:13 Arpeggio Track
- 42:02 A word on OP-1 sample patch compatibility
- 43:26 Nailing that arpeggio track
- 44:44 Adding a snare
- 45:20 Fine tuning the mix
- 45:45 Exploring the lead track
- 47:01 Polyphone and glide setting of a track
- 49:45 Copy Patch and pattern and track settings
- 50:30 Save and recall a project backup
- 51:55 The No Save mode
- 52:55 FX tracks
- 54:56 Muting
- 55:24 Sequencing and FX track
- 56:36 Mute groups
- 58:02 Tape track
- 1:02:00 Tape track pitch bend = Tape stop
- 1:03:02 Master track transposing
- 1:06:40 Master track filter
- 1:07:01 Performance track, punch in FX
- 1:07:40 A quick glance at the app
- 1:11:10 Switching pattern, queue, chains, performing
- 1:18:22 A few words on the modules
- 1:19:39 A few words on the DMX light tracks
- 1:20:00 A few words on t he Motion 3D track
- 1:22:00 Managing sound plugs from the app
- 1:23:58 Don’t worry, it’ll play YOUR genre too
- 1:25:17 Outtro – Thanks to Lead Developer Jonas
- 1:26:04 Like Subscribe Patreon
- 1:29:00 OP-1 packs are compatible with OPZ
- 1:29:40 Cuckoos T-shirts
The OP-Z is currently priced at $599 and is to begin shipping this month (October). You can visit the teenage engineering website to learn more.
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