Behind The Scenes Of Building The Moog Grandmother
In this video from Youtuber loopop, we get a behind the scenes look into the building of the new Moog Grandmother semi-modular analog synthesizer, as well as some sound demonstrations.
From information provided in the video’s description:
Like Moog’s Mother-32, Grandmother is a semimodular analog synthesizer. But Grandmother has a few new tricks up her sleeve: a classic spring reverb (we get to see the spring in this video!), two oscillators, faithful reproductions of Moog’s vintage modular components, hard sync, a keyboard and more.
In this video I test the sounds of a few of these new components, as well as get a factory tour for an inside look on how Grandmother is built. Moog relocated Grandmother’s production line from Ashville to Durham for Moogfest.
The Moog Grandmother semi-modular is currently priced at 999 USD and you can visit the Moog website to learn more.