FM synthesis gives you a whole new world of sounds to use in your productions.
Native Instrument’s FM8 is the world’s most popular FM synthesizer. Its design and technology deliver a boatload of sound-producing power into your hands. The challenge is to harness that power so you can work quicker and more effectively.
Our new FM8 Video Tutorial series gives you the skills to do just that. Sixteen videos jam-packed with lessons, tips and techniques will shorten your learning curve and make you an FM synthesis master. You’ll discover how FM8 can create the sounds that will fulfill your creative vision, making your productions richer and more exciting.
And there’s no waiting by the mailbox for delivery. Everything is ready for instant download right to your hard drive!
Our first couple videos give you a thorough overview of FM8’s features, browser and presets. Next, it’s time to start creating sounds. It’s fun and fast with the FM Matrix, the core of FM8’s basic buildingblocks. The FM Matrix gives you a single interchange where you can rapidly connect operators and vary modulations between connections.
In Video 3, “FM Basics – Operator View and FM Matrix” you will learn:
- How to set velocity on one operator and set frequency synthesis with another operator’s waveforms.
- A sneaky way to create side bends with frequency spectrum.
- How to quickly set carrier and modulator operators, change waveforms, and vary the signal ratio and offset between the modulator and the carrier.
- The secret to make an operator feed itself and become carrier and modulator all at once.
- How to make a positive offset to create a harmonic output.
- How to automate operator settings to get more done in less time.
- The best way to add more operators to create more depth, saturation, dirt and grit.
- How to pass a sound from an operator through a filter.
Once you’ve set up some operators, it’s time to shape, mold, crunch and smash your sound until it makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
For example, in Video 7, “Arpeggiator” you’ll learn how to create a wild assortment of arpeggiated sounds from hypnotic rhythms to fluid melodies:
- How to copy patterns from one sound to another.
- The simple way to create more space for creative patterns.
- A sneaky way to tie steps together for a pitch-slide effect.
- How to vary the note order (Or even play all at once or each randomly.)
Video 10, “Morph Square” walks you through this very unique FM8 feature. The Morph square lets you morph between different parameters you set in each corner block. Sweep your mouse through the squares to create your own unique sounds. You get:
- Easy techniques to create new sounds by experimenting with the different “states” of a sound.
- How to customize the corner squares with your own special effects.
- Inside secrets on how to create a “randomness cloud” which picks parameters similar to the core morph handle at random to create dissonance and variety.
- How to set operator frequencies, FM matrix depth and number of effects.
Frequency modulation is not necessarily hard to learn but the process of modulating one frequency with another requires special tools.
FM8 is the Swiss-Army knife of frequency modulation.
It has an answer for every challenge you face.
This special video series will teach you to everything you need to know to make FM8 sing and dance for you.
Sixteen comprehensive videos give you an “over-the-shoulder” view of every facet of this exciting soft synth.
From the opening Overview in video 1 to the final video where you learn how to use FM8 to modulate other audio software, no stone is left unturned.
You’ll cover every inch, every knob and setting so that you fully understand and can harness its awesome power.
FM8 is unique because even casual users can get up and running quickly while expert producers can create massively complex operator and modulation structures.
Either user will benefit from the solid foundation in this high-quality video training.
” I just wanted to thank you for the great videos you put together. I bought the FM8 tutorial and it is so helpful. I have gone from tweaking knobs for no reason to fully understanding how I can attack the sound I want to achieve. I almost feel like a musical genius because of you!
As soon as you have sculpted the preliminary sound, FM8 has 12 new effects with 48 pre-set templates that can bend and twist to create your own signature style. The simple rack layout makes it easy. Here is just a taste of what you will learn in Video 8, “Effects”:
- How to use overdrive to change the tone from bright to mellow.
Step-by-step instructions to build a custom guitar sound by combining the right deal, cabinet and tube amp.
- How to use shelving and peak EQ to subtract or add frequency changes with the perfect low-cut or high-cut.
- Unique ways to make FM8 talk with emulated vowels and accurate mouth settings. (We’ll show you how to set this to the mod wheel for some extra crazy sounds).
- Little known tremolo secrets to make the sound tremble and shake. (This can be synced to tempo or set to modulation to sweep from slow to fast.)
- Time saving settings to sync the psyche delay to the host. (Then detune it, change the pitch, adjust the feedback and go crazy.)
It’s hard to believe, but that is just the beginning. This tutorial series leaves no stone unturned. For example:
- Video 11, “Operators A-F” and Video 12, “Operator X” go over every option for each operator, including ratio and offset, waveform selections, amplitude (including pan, level and velocity), pitch envelope, modulation matrix, and envelope.
- Video 13, “Filter” looks at FM8’s two filters and how they can work in serial or parallel, and explains filter settings including pan and velocity, envelope amount, level, cutoffs, resonance, spread, routing and mode.
- Video 14, “Pitch” covers pitch bend, portamento, analog, amplitude (envelope and velocity), and modulation settings. Learn how to add points to the attack of the envelope to get a sharper sound, or soften the sustain for rich tails. The possibilities are endless.
- Video 15, “Key Scaling and Microtuning” you’ll learn how to adjust the level of the notes being played in connection to their place on the keyboard. With microtuning you can detune a note in all octaves across the board. Create your own scales or click on a preset, or save your own.
- Video 16, “Input- FM8 As A Processing Unit” shows you how to send sounds from other sources through FM8 for further processing. Add effects and FM synthesis, change wave forms, and much more.
Sure, there are some videos on YouTube that touch on aspects of FM8.
Some are very good.
But we haven’t found one that goes in-depth like this video training does.
Each of the 16 videos covers one topic related to the FM8 interface, basic settings, presets, envelopes, modulation, arpeggios, effects, morphing, filters, pitch, and key scaling, microtuning and much more.
The Arpeggio video alone is probably worth the cost of the whole course. We break it down step-by-step and cover every inch of creating arpeggiated sounds: patterns, steps, pitch-slides, triggers, semitones, shuffles and one-shots. You could spend days creating tons of new arpeggio sequences with the knowledge you’ll glean from this teaching.
The great thing is that if you get interrupted you can come right back to where you left off and pick up the lesson again.
Our FM8 series is like having a master synth instructor living in your house (but not eating your food or running up the phone bill).
The beauty of FM8 is that it is user-friendly but offers deep, complex sounds for sound artists willing to get their hands dirty.
Our new video series takes you inside this powerful synth, helping you better understand every knob, switch and operator.
” Your FM8 video tutorials have made my experience with it all the more rewarding!
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