The T-VOKS Is A Singing and Speaking Theremin
In this video from the Institut d’Alembert in Paris, we get a demonstration of T-VOKS, a singing and speaking theremin that modulates the incoming signal from previously sampled speech alongside voice synthesizer.
From information provided in the video’s description:
For its 100th birthday, the Theremin has been gifted with speech.
Performative singing synthesis met this early electronic instrument at NIME 2019.
T-Voks: Singing and Speaking with the Theremin
Xiao Xiao, Grégoire Locqueville, Christophe d’Alessandro, Boris DovalProceedings of The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME 2019,
Porto Alegre, Brazil, 3-6 June 2019.
You can learn more about T-VOKS from the original post made by