Modal CRAFTSynth: Sound Demo and First Look
In this video, we watch a demo of the Modal CRAFTsynth, a monophonic DIY synth kit that apparently takes less than 10 minutes to build. As you can see, the synth is very small and easily fit in the palm of your hand.
- Monophonic DSP based self assembly synthesiser, requires no soldering or electronics skills, tools or knowledge
- 2 oscillators per voice
- Mixer stage for osc levels
- Unison / spread mode that splits the oscillators into four separate sub oscillators per oscillator giving you a total of eight oscillators, de-tunable for a huge sound
- LFO with six destinations (VCA amplitude, filter cutoff, FM amount, OSC mix, PWM amount, pitch/frequency)
- Four LFO wave forms (each invertible)
- LFO auto syncs to MIDI clock if present
- Resonant low pass filter (if using the CRAFTapp, state variable BP & LP also possible)
- 16 recallable EG presets for ease of use
- 16 patch storage locations
- Playable touch panel interface with five note keys plus controls for scale and glide time
- Delay and distortion (wavehsaping overdrive, not bitcrushing) effects
If you’re interesting in building your own CRAFTsynth, you can go here to find the closest dealer to you.