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Akai Professional is currently seeking beta testers for its new Ableton Live Control Integration...


Akai Pro Launches Beta Testing Program For Force x Ableton Live Integration

Akai Professional is currently seeking beta testers for its new Ableton Live Control Integration for Force, and will provide beta testers a private forum to communicate one-on-one with the Akai Pro development team.

With Ableton Live Control Integration, Force users will now have wireless control of Ableton simultaneously with standalone Force functionality. Users will now have control of their Ableton matrix layout, mixer, device control and much more right from Force. In addition to Ableton Live control, the Arranger feature will enable users to structure and build their productions into sectioned compositions.


New in Force Beta:

  • Live Control – Control Ableton Live using your Force.
    • Wireless control and launching of Ableton clips in Session View simultaneously with Force standalone over WiFi.
    • Instantly switch between Force in standalone mode and Live Control mode without ever stopping playback.
    • Control the Ableton Live mixer, effects, instruments and VSTs using Force’s Touchscreen and knobs.
  • The Arranger – A fully featured linear sequencer. You can now:
    • Create an arrangement of a song against a linear timeline.
    • Record your clip performance or live input (MIDI or Audio) into a linear timeline.
    • Edit and arrange your song using Force’s powerful Arrange Edit commands.
    • Mixdown your song to a stereo audio file or stem it as separate tracks.
    • Experiment with different song ideas by launching clips against your linear arrangement.
    • Edit a single track from your arrangement in the Grid and List editors.
  • Undo History – Quickly backtrack and reverse up to nine actions.

To be eligible, users are asked to sign an NDA, join the forum by creating a user profile and downloading the Beta build to a qualified computer system. Force Beta is closed to the general public. All users interested in joining the beta team can apply here.

Akai Professional will also offer an MPC Beta program for Ableton Live Control integration. Those applying for that program will be notified once it is opened.

For more information, visit akaipro.com.

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