Reaktor Tutorials
Working with Stacked Macros in Reaktor
We’ve come to learn something about Reaktor since we started up this website and community. If you have a complex question about Reaktor, ask the guru salamanderanagram! In this lesson he tackles the question of how to stack macros within Reaktor to combine their capabilities in order to build even more impressive ensembles, specifically how to build a multi-mode filter unit. He starts with an empty Macro, and inside of that Macro he adds a Pro52 Filter. After some quick wiring and setting up some knobs, he explains that you can actually make filters visible in your finished ensemble interface.
The next step is to duplicate the Macro that was just set up. Double-click it to see inside, and then select and remove the Pro52Filter. A new Ladder Filter is now added to the now empty Macro. Go ahead and use the pieces already in place to get it wired up and you now have a second filter macro finished. Within the Properties window, this filter is also made visible. These stapes are repeated again, duplicating the last macro, deleting the Ladder Filter and replacing it with a Multi-Mode 4Pole Lowpass Filter, get it wired up and set it to be visible. The entire process is done once more, this time around a Highpass Filter is used.
Now you have four Macros build that are identical except the kind of filter that is inside each one. Switching now from Structure View to Panel View, you can set up the interface the way you like it by using the Edit Panel mode. Once done, you should be able to see all four filters in the same interface and the two knobs should be controlling all of the filters simultaneously. Now we jump back into Structure View and place all four of the Macros we made earlier inside of a Stacked Macro module. This will make it so we can use and see one filter at a time in the main interface. A Switch and List are then added so we can toggle between filter macros. Go back into Panel View and arrange the interface to your liking, and that’s it!