Reaktor Tutorials
Uploading to the Reaktor User Library
The Reaktor User Library is currently getting a much-needed overhaul from the folks over at Native Instruments. Several new features have been introduced alongside a slew of fixes and graphical improvements over the previous version. In this video, I show how to upload your Reaktor work to the User Library.
Once you have prepared your ensemble, uploading to the User Library is a very simple process of filling in the information about your upload. It may seem like a small matter, but I strongly suggest putting at least cursory effort into getting a nice screen shot and sound sample of your work.
Even though you are giving your work away for free, it is still necessary to convince people that it is something that they want, and it won’t just clutter up their hard drive. Sound samples and a nice GUI can go a long way towards that goal, especially if you aren’t well known in the community.
The new User Library is still in beta, so make sure to provide feedback to NI at this thread in the forums.
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