Reaktor Tutorials
Reaktor User Library - Skywarp
In this video, I show how to use Skywarp, an ensemble I designed a few years ago. Skywarp excels at creating soundscapes, and uses additive synthesis to morph between drastically different sounds.
Skywarp was designed with a heavy influence from two synths from Native Instruments – Skanner, and FM8. I really enjoy the morphing capabilities of both products, and wanted to make something similar. To that end, Skywarp allows you to create 4 sets of controls for the main sound engine and morph between them.
In addition, there is a modulation network built into each control that can be used to automate or randomize the morph position using a a plethora of options from LFOs and envelopes to gate velocity and other MIDI options. The modulation options can be attached to any knob on the interface.
Since the sound engine contains both a delay line and a reverb unit, morphing between two sounds can create some very drastic changes in the sound, such as pitchshifting, variable feedback, and extreme modulations in reverb room size. If you create any snapshots you like with Skywarp, please be in touch and I would be happy to add them to the official download (and give you credit, of course!).
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