Start To Finish – Build a Melbourne Bounce Drop using NI Massive
Welcome to ADSR’s new ‘Start to Finish’ Series – in-depth video courses that step you through creating the hottest EDM genres in detail, from start to finish.
Hosted by lead tutor Echo Sound Works, this edition of this unique series gets you up to speed on how to create that distinctive Melbourne Bounce Sound using Native Instruments Massive
With over 2 hours of exclusive video content, you will learn how to make 7 sounds in Massive, tune kick drums, build and layer drum samples, write off beat bass lines, compose your actual drop and as an added bonus, learn how to chop up vocals to get that Melbourne Bounce sound popularized by Deorro.
* Includes 10 bonus MASSIVE sounds, 6 drum samples and 5 MIDI files
Learn To Make A Melbourne Bounce Drop That’s Guaranteed To Get The Party Started!
Part 1 – Drum Groove
Learn how to build up a Melbourne Bounce style beat using NI Battery (you can apply this knowledge your own software if you don’t use Battery). You will also learn how to easily and quickly tune a kick drum, one of the most important elements of modern EDM production.
Part 2 – Offbeat Bass
Learn how to make thick sounding off beat basses in Massive. You will also learn how to write and arrange an off beat bass line for Melbourne Bounce.
Part 3 – Lead Drop
Learn how to make the perfect sound for Melbourne Bounce drops in Massive. Also, learn how to write drops based on your song’s key.
Part 4 – Leads, Drop Efx and Processing
Learn how to add the polishing touches to the lead sounds in PT3. A big element of Melbourne Bounce is the use of creative effects like filtering, distortion and compression.
Part 5 – Making An Intro
Learn how to transition into your drop for Melbourne Bounce. A lot of times, the intro and verse are very different to the actual drop and getting the two sections to fit together can be difficult. Echo Sound Works shows you some tips and tricks to seamlessly build into your drop.
Learn how to make Melbourne Bounce from start to finish!
Love the way that Melbourne Bounce instantly gets the dancefloor hopping? If you want to a fast track to creating this awesome sound yourself this Start to Finish video course shows you – in real time – how to make this happen!
Get plenty of practical tips and insider tricks as you learn how to create chart-topping sounds right in your own home studio.
7 videos totaling over 2 hours of professional, high-quality guidance that you cab play over and over, as many times as you need to understand the lesson and start making the music you want today!
Part 6 – Vocal Chops
This falls outside the realm of Massive, but nonetheless you will learn how to chop up an acapella and then turn it into a playable instrument in a sampler like Kontakt (you can apply this knowledge your own software if you don’t use Kontakt). If you want that Deorro sound, this is for you!
Part 7 – Final touches
Learn some great mix tips and tricks to give your drops that professional sound.
About your tutor
Echo Sound Works is a sound designer and music producer and one of ADSR’s lead tutors for massivesynth.com and sylenthtutorials.com
He is the creator of the best selling sound sets Massive Beast V.1, Melbourne Anthems, EDM Drops V.1 and Future EDM V.1.
He has produced music in multiple genres including EDM, singer songwriter and pop ands had his music placed everywhere from VH1 and MTV to ABC Family and Lionsgate.
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