This Free Plugin Lets You Monitor Your Track's Side And Mid Signals
Bob Perry Audio has released Bob Perry Listener, a free plugin (VST3 & AU) that allows you to monitor the left and right stereo signals, as well as the mid (mono) signal, of the audio track on which its inserted.
Main Features
- Listen to mid signal (on both output channels)
- Listen to side signal (on both output channels)
- Swap left and right signals
- Mute left and/or right signals
- Phase invert left and/or right signals
- Monitor output levels
- Easy-to-use Graphical User Interface
- Big, easy-to-use buttons and status LEDs
- Integrated M/S matrix
- Stereo peak meters
- Windows and macOS supportv
- 32-bit and 64-bit versions, universal binaries for macOS
- Retina Display support on macOS
- One Registration gives you access to all versions:
- Windows VST3 64 bit
- Windows VST3 32 bit (x86)
- macOS VST3 Universal Binary (64 + 32 bit)
- macOS AU (Audio Unit) Universal Binary (64 + 32 bit)
The Bob Perry Listener plugin is available for free and you can visit the product website to learn more.