These Portable Music Machines Deliver The Studio Essentials
minijam studio, created by the makers of Patchblocks, is a set of portable music machines that include a drum machine, a wavetable synthesizer, an analog filter, a mixer and a speaker. A distinguishing feature of these mini-instruments is that they run off of a portable battery, enabling users to jam and make music wherever they go.
tek.waves – Wavetable Synthesizer
- 16 fully automatable sound parameters divided into 4 pages
- 4 wave table banks
- arpeggiator with hold, octave range and arp mode settings
- 4 patterns with up to 128 steps per pattern
- scale select, and 2 octave keyboard within selected scale
- global delay send effect
- save patterns and automation to flash
- up to 12h battery life
tek.drum – Drum Machine
- 8 Drum-Synthesis tracks with 4 parameters per track
- 8 Patterns with 16 steps
- automation and parameter locks of all 32 parameters
- pattern chaining up to 128 steps
- global delay send effect
- save patterns and automation to flash
- up to 12h battery life
tek.filter – Analog Filter
- audio input and output
- 2 pole resonant low-pass / band-pass filter
- up to 40h battery life
.hub – Mixer and Recorder
- 3 mono channel input with sync trigger output per channel (stereo cable)
- digital encoder and display to set tempo
- 44.1kHz 16bit .wav recording to micro SD card
- up to 8h battery life
minijam studio has raised more than a third of its pledge goal on Kickstarter, with a month left until its estimated May 2017 delivery. Each machine is priced, quite modestly in our opinion, at €45, and you can grab the entire kit of instruments for €130.