teenage engineering OP-Z Music Sequencer Tutorial
In this video from cuckoomusic, we get an in-depth rundown of the features and functions in the new OP-Z from teenage engineering. While the OP-Z is still in development, it’s hard to imagine how much more can be improved to this already-incredible 16 track sequencer.
Provided in the video’s description,
It’s a true sequencer with lots of possibilities […] The factory sound engines, samples and effects will definitely receive a lot of attention as the OP-Z moves closer to beta. Right now, it’s an early peek at the almost complete sequencer.
OP-Z Features
- 16 Track Sequencer
- step component composing
- endless sequencing steps
- track independent length
- track independent speed
- parameter locks
- step recording
- live recording
- midi, cv and trig track sequencing
- image and 3D graphics sequencing
- DMX light sequencing
Instrument Tracks
- kick
- snare
- percussion
- sampler
- bass
- lead
- arpeggio
- chords
- FX slot 1
- FX slot 2
- tape
- mixer
- midi
- cv & trig
- light
- motion
The OP-Z is set to be released September 2017 and you can go here to learn more. Teenage engineering also debuted their new PO-32 drum synthesizer at the 2017 NAMM Show.